SQL Detective

The language that unlocks the power of data, transforming chaos into structured insights, and paving the way for informed decisions and intelligent solutions.
Team Event
Eligibility: II, III Years (CSE & CSD).

Team Size:
  • Teams must consist of a minimum of 1 participant and a maximum of 3 participants.
  • All team members must be from the same year.

ROUND 1: Entry level round
  • In this round, participants will be asked to answer basic queries related questions.

  • The team will be tested on his query skills by solving simple problems asked.
  • The team to solve the most number of problems will be selected for the next round.

  • In the final round, participants will be given a story along with a database and a set of questions. The participants will have to dive into the database and answer the questions asked. The team to answer the most number of questions will be declared the winner.